Currently enjoying the first leg of the journey that is Takin’ It To The Streets, the annual poetry pub crawl. Dante’s now, Southpaw and Blue Velvet later. For specifics, check out the Overload Poetry website page for this gig.
The launch was amazing, The Heart Chamber were fantastic.
Programme and venue details, as well as performer biographies are all available. Also featured are notes on our Partnered Projects (see what we are doing with the magnificent Bristol Poetry Festival and the incomparable Going Down Swinging) and details on registering for poetry workshops and the Overload Poetry Slam.
Sorry it’s taken me so long to post, dear reader. Many things are on the proverbial boil here and I hope to be a touch more active online. In short, here’s things that have happened in the absence of posting.
Work continues apace in organising the Overload Poetry Festival, the line up is looking rather exciting with a sprinkling of interstate and international guests coming to perform. I’m currently hard at work updating the website and hope to have it up and running soon.
I clocked in a new record for submitting poetry to a journal. Discovery of submission deadline to angst, selection, more angst, worrying about what to send, final angst and tidying of submission to clicking send in under an hour.
On Sunday I attended the first of six workshops in The Year of Poetry, run by Peter Bakowski. As a result, I will be attempting to write one poem per week! Hopefully I’ll have them up here..for better or worse.
Reading: “A Handful of Dust” – Evelyn Waugh Listening: “Weapon” – Matthew Good Band
Now I knew of David McLauchlan’s tireless work behind the camera, and his marvellous record of the Melbourne poetry scene that airs on Channel 31 on Thursday nights. For one thing, it’s hard to miss a chap with a proper TV camera asking you to sign release forms after you’ve read.
However, it took a conversation with a colleague at work who saw me on the show (I can’t get Ch. 31 where I live), followed with more talking to fellow poets to discover that not only does the show have a website, but the website has video! He recently put up the Candy Stripes gig that I was part of and you can see it there, along with a bunch of others, some of which include me and a plethora of other magnificent poets.
Well, I had an excellent evening being part of a great performance at the Candy Bar on last Thursday night. Anthony O’Sullivan (of Spinning Room fame) was an excellent host as per usual, presiding over an enthusiastic turnout.
I was grateful to find that I was opening as it meant I would be less stressed and could enjoy the show in its entirety. This was handy as, apart from Josephine, I had seen little to no of my co-stars previously, knowing them only by reputation, and was able to enjoy their work with fresh ears.
If the night made anything clear to me, it was that I really need to learn how to perform without my notes! Apart from seeing some marvellous performances being done by people who were free of having to look at paper every couple of seconds, it felt a lot better being able to concentrate purely on what I was saying without having to read at the same time.
Overload this year produced something of a record for me. Five gigs in one week I think is something of a record in the decade-and-a-bit that I’ve been attending and reading in open stage gigs. By the time Sunday’s closing event rolled around, I was too tired to attend. Hats off the Overload organising committee for bringing in festival number seven!
A well attended night in Prahran saw the Spinning Room play host to three of Melbourne’s finest poets performing.
Recent returnee from abroad, Carmen Main opened the feature half of the evening, effortlessly demonstrating how she won this spot in a competition held a few months prior.
Jennifer Harrison and Ian McBryde read in tandem for what was to be a joint feature, taking turns with a fluidity that gave the feel of a single poem read in alternating parts. Columbine’s voice mixing with the whispers of an innamorato (perhaps Harlequin?). Masks, make-up and antique books added some lovely theatrical elements to their already wonderful performance.
Reading: “Cultural Amnesia” – Clive James Listening: “Transmission” – Joy Division
Candy Stripes, part of the 7th Overload Poetry Festival
I will be performing at Candy Stripes, a one-off gig as part of the Melbourne poetry festival, Overload. Along with me will be Josephine Rowe, Benezra, Jess Friedmann and Felix Nobis!
What: Candy Stripes Who: Tim Hamilton, Jess Friedmann, Josephine Rowe, Felix Nobis & Benezra with your most marvellous MC, Mr. Anthony O’Sullivan. Where:Candy Bar, 162 Greville St., Prahran When: 8-10pm, Thursday 7th August, 2008. How: much? $10 ($7 concession) entry. Why: I’m featuring! My fellow features are made entirely of awesome! We’re reading in a really good place! It’s part of the Melbourne Showcase series for the Overload Melbourne Poetry Festival!!
Hello everyone, this is just a quick note to let you know I’ll be performing at the Overload Festival this year! More details when I can except maybe to say keep the evening of August 7th free.
This Friday (3rd August) sees the beginning of the 6th Overload Festival, it looks magnificent from here, there will be guests from Belfast (no less than the Belfast Poets) and a slew of local and interstate talent. The Overload Festival website has all the details, dates and destinations available. Go see something while it’s on!
In a rather nice touch, the opening event for the festival is the Overload pub crawl, which I believe will be threading its way around Fitzroy.
A touch of bedlam in Law Like Blog-land as I attempt to get the theme working in concert with all the gadgets I’ve been adding. The look isn’t entirely how I want it, but I’ll tinker with that as time allows.
In other news, I think I’ll be attending the Melbourne Poet’s Union gathering this evening. As well as Jennifer Compton and Paul Mitchell putting in an appearance, Carla de Goede will be launching her book.
Also the Overload Festival kicks off next Friday with a Poet’s Pub Crawl. As John Garrett said last Tuesday night at Spinning Room, the Poet’s Season has begun and will continue through to December.
Listening: “Warnings Moving Clockwise” – Do Re Mi
Reading: “Break Blow Burn” – Camille Paglia
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