
Hello once again. The writing is actually going better right now than it was same time last year. Work is flat out and things are afoot personally that keep me busy (the joy of wearing more than one hat).

I’ve found a collection of poetic prompts that I’m slowly working my way through, in the absence of original ideas, I’m into week 2 at the moment (writing when time allows doesn’t allow me to write one poem a day). But my usual annual challenger of getting out 12 poems a year looks like it will be knocked over rather soon. Anyhow, this was from Day 4 of the prompts. Write a ‘containment’ poem. I started with being in a bookstore and went from there.

Here is the place I lost myself
and the reference section
that atlased me back home
Here is the poetry section with
its small and empty shelf telling me
the books aren’t going to write themselves.
Here is the where I fell to pieces
and the architecture guide
that blueprinted me again
Here is the sci-fi shelves who say
this is the future if you please
If not, who are you to the future anyway?
Here are the books written about music
and all the songs about writing.

Reading: “The Michael Palin Diaries: The Python Years”
Listening: “Ramona Was A Waitress” – Paul Dempsey

Calling you well organised types…

I have something of a left-field question for you dear readers out there… and I know some of you have the required knowledge here.

I’m currently reading my way through my whole poetry collection (which is…large, to say the least), and sorting the read books as I go.

Now, I have X categories of books:

  1. Written and compiled by author (“From The Fool To The World” by Tim Hamilton)
  2. Written by author but compiled by someone else (“Selected Poetry” by W.H. Auden, compiled by ….)
  3. Multiple poets, single collection (“New Music” compiled and edited by John Leonard)
  4. Multiple poets, series (Penguin New Poets 1-27)
  5. Multiple poets, annual release (Best Australian Poetry 2003-2007, edited by Bronwyn Lea & Martin Duwell & Annual Guest Editor, UQP)

How do I go about getting my books into a semblance of order? As you can see above, I do have some ideas of my own but I’m eager to see how other people work this one out.

Oh, and if you are reading this on LiveJournal, come to the site and comment on this post!

Listening: Lee-Press On & The Nails – Brazil
Reading: Edna St. Vincent Millay – Early Poems