Married To Poetry

Ivy Alvarez, fellow poet and blogger, recently made a post titled “I’m engaged!”. Excited, I read on, discovering I’d misconstrued the title of the post, but it left me with the idea of being married to poetry.

(for Ivy Alvarez)

I’m married to Poetry.
We are enjoying the reception
But are too stunned, tired
to remember the nuptials,
Critique and Review, bridesmaids,
are getting drunk, gossiping
loudly about how long
our marriage will last.
On opposite ends of
the bridal table,
Drafts and Editing
swap sly glances.
I don’t approve, but Poetry
has already decided where
the bouquet will be thrown.
A gruff older man,
Open Mike, is giving the
‘father of the bride’ speech.
his early memories of Poetry
make Mike a little teary
In fact, everyone gets a
little emotional
as Poetry and I start
the bridal waltz
We move well, though
Poetry has the better form.
Joining us in pairs,
The crowd dabs their eyes
watching as we whisper
to each other.
We decide what to pack
for the honeymoon.
We complain about
the caterers and the venue.

Reading: “District And Circle” – Seamus Heaney
Listening: “This Year’s Girl” – Elvis Costello

Tattooing The Surface Of The Moon

OK, so I’ve been a little on the quiet side, the good news is I’ve been writing and editing. The cogs are turning, but they’re well greased and thus not making a whole lot of noise.

In the absence of actual content from myself, I thought I would throw in something recently posted by Sean M. Whelan, he performed a bunch of his work recently with co-conspirator Andrew Watson. The link below will take you to a video of the two of them performing the title to Sean’s most recent and purchase-worthy book.

Click this link. You know you should!


Hello dear readers, just to get myself back in the habit of posting more often, I shall state I spent a very pleasant Saturday in the Gypsy Bar in Brunswick St. watching the world go by, writing idly and generally not stressing about much at all.

Stuff is forming in my notebook, but I seem to work by way of accretion. Will post again soon with something I was toying with on Saturday.

Hope you are all well.